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Luau - Saturday September 26, 2015

Here is the official flier. Please promote ticket sales as this is how we subsidize our costumes, and things are getting a little worn out so we need some new stuff!

Food sign-up: I have the following so far:

Hawaiian Meatballs

Sticky Rice

Chicken and Pineapple Skewers



Hawaiian Chicken and rolls

Tropical Salad

Fruit Salad

Kings Rolls

Punch & Soft drinks

Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

Cakehe options from the toolbar.

NOTE: There is no oven at Rotary Park; if you have a hot item you'll need to bring a crock pot, chafing dish, or electric fry pan. I do have a few if you need to borrow!

Email me when you've made your choice or make changes, and I'll update the list!


Honolulu - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Carol

Hawaii No E Ka 'Oi ('uli 'uli and pu'ili) - Fredi

Na U'i O Kauai (ipu) - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Honey

Halei'wa Hula - Sherry

Little Brown Gal/Little Grass Shack - Fredi, Cindy, Holly

Aloha Week Hula - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Carol, Jane

Hula Breeze - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Honey, Carol, Kathy, Jane

Hukilau - audience participation

Pearly Shells - Honey & Harry

Te Hiva - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Carol, Jane

Te Tama Maho'i - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Carol, Jane, Honey, Kathy

O'tea and Kapa - Fredi

'Otea #1 - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Honey

'Otea Paea - Cindy

'Otea Ho'pea - Holly

'Otea Routine - Sherry, Cindy, Holly, Honey, Fredi

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